lauantai 13. kesäkuuta 2015

Piippolan vaarilla oli....

Kesä ja rento maalaismaisema
- voiko sitä enempää toivoa!!

pure countryside and
feeling: relax!!

The Challenges I would like to enter my card

9 kommenttia:

  1. Love that you turned around the sketch this week onto it's side. Your oakpond image is cute. Thanks so much for sharing your entry with us at Sketch Saturday - good luck!

  2. Cool. Gefällt mir total gut. Danke daß du bei den Animal Friends mitmachst.
    LG Dreja

  3. This is a great card Pirjo ... I love the famer relaxing against the pig and the scene in the background. Just perfect for this week's challenge at Incy Wincy Designs - thanks for playing along!
    Helen x (DT)

  4. Wonderful card.
    Thank you for joining us at the Aniaml Friends.

  5. Wonderful and sweet card
    Thank you for joining us at the Animal Friends
    Hugs Anja

  6. I like that your style is very unique. Great relaxed card:) !! Thank you so much for joining our challenge at the Animal Friends. Creative regards from stempelfrida

  7. This is very nice. I wanna lay on the grass and relax as well. :)
    Thank you for playing with us at Bunny Zoe's!
    hugs! xx


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