lauantai 13. kesäkuuta 2015


Formula-kisat on ollut puheissamme
mieheni kanssa
"Kerran elämässä"
Tänä kesänä se sitten toteutuu
- oli ihanaa yllättää hänet matka- ja kisalipuin
sekä tietysti aiheeseen sopivalla kortilla!!
ja se tosiaan oli Y-L-L-Ä-T-Y-S!!


11 kommenttia:

  1. Wau-täysi 10 tuosta kortista.
    Varmasti on kiva yllätys:)
    Onnea päivänsankarille!

  2. This is wonderful, Pirjo! What a lovely gift for hubby. :-D Thanks so much for joining us in our Father's Day challenge at QKR Stampede this week. Hope to see you playing again soon.
    NanaConnie DT

  3. Super cute!!! Thank you for joining us at 2 Cute Ink, good luck!!! Amy DT

  4. Super cute! Thank you for joking us at Craftin Desert Divas. Michelle DT

  5. This is very cool!!! Love the idea of the gift along with this!!! I bet your hubby was thrilled to receive it! Thanks so much for joining us over at Crafting Desert Divas! Have a wonderful Day! :)

    Theresa (CDD DT)
    Scrappers Anonymous

  6. Fabulous male card and thank you for joining us at Suzy Bee's Bloomin Challenge very good luck happy crafting Judith DT x

  7. Wonderful card for a male. Thanks for sharing with us at the Crafting for all Seasons. Barb

  8. Great project for a male! Thanks for joining us at Creative Moment this time, good luck and hope to see you next time. Warm hugs Beatriz (DT)

  9. Cute card! Good Luck in the 2 Cute Ink Father's Day Challenge! Donna DT

  10. Cool! Super cute idea here, and bet he loved his gift! Thank you for joining our QKR Stampede Father's Day challenge!

  11. Lovely card.
    Thanks for joining us at CFAS!
    Jani x


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