sunnuntai 28. kesäkuuta 2015


innostivat kokoamaan Kansallisaarteitamme korttiin.
Metsä UseYourStuff-22-Wood on arvokas luonnonvaramme
ja mihinkääs muuhun se "nuori pari" nojaa
kuin kansallispuuhumme rauduskoivuun.
olen ylpeä - se on selkeä, puhdas ja jotenkin niin isännaallinen
Kansallislintumme joutsen ja -kukkamme kielo saivat myös paikat korttiin
The card has been gathered Finnish national treasures.
The forest is a precious natural resource.
Birch is our national tree.
I am proud of our blue cross flag
It is clear, clean, and somehow so Patriotical
National bird is a swan and -flower is lily of the valley
They need a place on the card also.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Fabulous creation!! Thanks so much for playing in our ‘FLAGS and/or BANNERS’ challenge at Dies R Us! Please come back again soon!

    Darlene (DRU Blog Leader)

  2. What an incredible job of gathering all those patriotic things onto one card! I'm very impressed, Pirjo. I'm so delighted that you chose to play in our "Patriotic" challenge at QKR Stampede this week. Good luck and come play again, won't you?
    NanaConnie DT

  3. That is so sweet and beautiful! I'm very happy to see your own country's patriotic effects. Your post is educational to me! I'm so pleased to see this in two of my team's challenges -- QKR Stampede Patriotic, and Dies R Us Flags and/or Banners.

  4. Beautiful! Love all of the elements to this! Those swans are just stunning! Thanks for joining us at 4 Crafty Chicks this week.
    Tina- DT

  5. Lovely project honoring lots about your country's beautiful treasures. I like how you thought outside the norm and used an image of tree for our challenge. Thanks for playing along at Use your Stuff!

  6. This card is wonderful! I love how you incorporated so many of your national treasures (flag, flower, bird) into one card. Your pride shines through! Thanks for joining our Patriotic Challenge this week at QKR Stampede. Julie, DT member

  7. Beautiful card! Love that you used your own countries flag & national additions, like the swans, which I love. Thanks for joining us this week at QKR Stampede for our Patriotic Cards Challenge. Karal DT

  8. Gorgeous card!
    Thanks for playing at Pile It On!
    Helen x


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