tiistai 9. marraskuuta 2021

The time of Magic

I got a great honour to be a part of 
art Challenge Try It On Tuesday next two weeks!
Current challenge is  
Make it magical

Olen todella ylpeä saadessani toimia vierailevana suunnittelijana
Try It On Tuesday haasteessa seuraavien kahden viikon ajan. 
aihekin niin ihana:
Make it magical
As soon as I found out about theme, I printed these magical photos of my grandchild.

Saadessani haasteaiheen idea syntyi heti
- etsin ja tulostin nämä ihanan maagiset kuvat lapsenlapsestani.
Hän on kuvissa 3-vuotias.

Teen hänelle muistoalbumia mummolapuuhista vanhaan kirjaan, 
jonka sivuja ole liimannut yhteen ja maalannut taustat akryylivärein.

Tämä tummanpuhuva sinisävyinen taivas oli alunperin gellpress työn telan puhdistusta
- nyt lisäsin siihen hieman struktuuria kevyellä pastalla ja metallinhohtoisin sinisävyin. 
Todella vaikea kuvata, kun valo taittuu metallinhohtoisista väreistä
- mutta mielestäni todella "mystinen" taustakin pienelle "Meediolle"!

Toivon näkeväni haasteessa mukana ennätysmäärän myös suomalaisia osallistujia.
Täältä pääset näkemään Try it on Tuesday suunnittelijatiimi on luonut inspiraatioksenne! 

Liitän työni mukaan seuraaviin haasteisiin:

12 kommenttia:

  1. Congrats on being our Guest Designer at Try it on Tuesday! Your granddaughter is just so adorable.. and those photos of her are truly magical! As is your art journal spread! LOVE the silver and blues together! Have a fantastic week! ((HUGS)) Helen

  2. Such a beautiful page! I love the blue and silver with those magical photos of your granddaughter, she looks super cute and the way you combined them with the silver fairies and embellishments is perfect 😀. Thanks so much for the inspiration and for joining us as Guest Designer! Have a wonderful week and sending you happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  3. I love seeing your granddaughter and her expressions are priceless. This is a wonderful page.The blue and silver together work and look amazing. Thanks so much for being our guest designer at Try It On Tuesday. Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

  4. What a gorgeous page and adorable images of your grandson, I love the blue background and the silver die cut pieces! Thanks for joining us as our Guest Designer!
    Hugs, Tammy

  5. A beautiful page and lovely family photos that you shared with us. Thank you so much for being our Guest Designer at TioT's for this theme.

  6. Thank so much Helen, Jo, Erika, Tammy & Yvonne! It's so great to be part of your Magical challenge!
    I admire TiOt's team talent!! Virtual hugs from Finland!!

  7. What an absolutely magical page - children create a magic of their own when they are making discoveries. So pleased to see you here as our Guest Designer, Chrisxx

  8. It’s great what you made! So glad that you joined Mixed Media Lovers.
    DT, Marlies

  9. These are so cute! Thank you for sharing with us over here at The Fairy and the Unicorn Challenge and best of luck with your entry. Love to see you join in each month. Thank you.
    Gale DT for

  10. Beautiful page and granddaughter! Thank you for playing with us at Love to Craft Challenge and we hope to see you again in December for our final challenge.
    XOXO, Aimeslee LTCCB DT

  11. Fabulous creation! Thanks for joining us for our last challenge at Creative Craft Cottage!

  12. Youre card is so beautiful, thanks for sharing it with us at The Fairy and unicorn Challenge Blog.
    Hugs Ilonka DT


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