perjantai 17. heinäkuuta 2020

Keskiyön aurinko, yötön yö

Tälle gellipohjalle annoin nimenkin, yötön yö... leikittelin kahdella sabluunalla
ja olin taustaan tyytyväinen, vaan kuinkas kävikään kun tunturipöllöä siihen "lennätin"

Leimaus epäonnistui täysin...   
eikä mulla ole hienoa leimailutyökalua, jolla olisi voinut uudelleen leimata.
Eipä auttanut muu kuin leimata pöllö uusiksi ja sitten urotyö oli leikata se irti kaikkinen pyrstösulkineen... siitähän tulikin varsin kiva 3D tarrojen kanssa kohotettuna.
Empä olisi moista ilman epäonnistumista keksinyt... 

Mukaan seuraaviin haasteisiin:
It's fun when the sun is shining even at night
here in Finland and in the north
Coloured Letrasetin Aqua Promarkerein

8 kommenttia:

  1. Aw I love this card! The background you've created is just fab - so much texture and the owl looks great! Thanks for sharing at Passion for Promarkers. Hugs, Karen x

  2. Lovely background for your fab owl! Thanks for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations!

  3. Oh wow! This is gorgeous! Your background turned out beautifully and I think having the owl raised, gives it so much dimension. Thanks for sharing this with us at Passion for Promarkers!

  4. A beautiful piece of art, thank you for joining us at Passion for Promakers this week.
    Lorraine DT

  5. It must be a happy accident that the initial stamped owl did not work out. The raised owl made the card even better. Thank you for sharing your creation with us @ Incy Wincy Designs Curvy Challenge. Good luck!

  6. Turned out great! Love that background and the raised owl. Thanks for sharing at the Paper Funday Challenge.

  7. I Love your background and I don't think that the owl layer addition detracts from it one bit. It's all beautiful. Thank you so much for joining us in our challenge at 2 Crafty Critter Crazies this week. Good Luck and I’m looking forward to seeing you again in our next challenge.
    Faith A DT

    Faith A My blog

  8. Gorgeous! Amazing texture and colors! I love your card. Thanks for joining our Summer Fun challenge at Use Your Stuff and hope to see you again!
    Tammy DT


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