perjantai 14. elokuuta 2015


Täältä se tulee
- ENSIMMÄINEN Dt-korttini
Aihe: Päivä rannalla!
Olen aivan otettu kunniasta,
kun minua kysyttiin Dt-tiimiin mukaan!
Uskalsin lupautua vain kuukaudeksi
- testatakseni, että riittääkö aika
kun palaan töihin!!
Rakastan heidän leimojaan
- menkäähän tutustumaan
Olen ylpeä tästä kunniasta!!
Odotan innolla nähdä töitänne; nyt kaikki osallistumaan!
Here it comes
->my VERY FIRST  Dt-card to the QKR-challenge.
The Great-Great honor when they asked me to the design team.
I promised a month at first.

I'll just need to test my time.Is it enough to this lovely "job"?! I'll hope so!

Now, all of you: take part in this challenge!!

17 kommenttia:

  1. Firstly a BIG Welcome!
    A Wonderful card..I LOve the scene you've created..
    GOrgeous colours and lots and lots of pretty embellishments.
    Happy to meet you.

  2. Ihastuttava kokonaisuus. Onnea Dt-pestistä.Toivon että aikasi riittää kortteiluun sillä on ne aina niin ihania.

  3. Dt-korttini pestille!
    Kortti on kyllä ihana ... ja ihailla yksityis kohdilla!

  4. Ihanan ihana ja onnea dt-pestille!

  5. Love it. What great details in your summer card. Thank you for joining us at Incy Wincy this week. Hope to see you back here again soon. Judy DT

  6. Kaunis kortti täynnä ihania yksityiskohtia. Onnea DT-pestille!

  7. Pirjo, I LOVE your stunning card. So glad to have you joining us as a designer for the team.

  8. Wow! I love this!! Love how you did the shells, the bottle and so much more! Thanks for joining us over at Incy Wincy Designs Challenge Blog!
    Karen C

  9. Beautiful! Thank you for playing along with Incy Wincy this week, good luck! Colette - DT :o)

  10. Loving the rope and shells on your beach scene. Thank you for joining our “Nautical” Challenge this week at Die Cuttin’ Divas.

    Stay Creative,
    • Carson's Creations •
    Die Cuttin’ Diva DT

  11. What a lot of work has gone into this card! I love the way you have draped that rope across the card also. Very clever! Thanks so much for joining us at CASology this week, and congratulations on your new Design Team position!

  12. Ompas ihana kortti Pirjo! Aivan mahtava. Onnea :)

  13. AMAZING, and also PERFECTION for this challenge too:

    Go check it out!!
    Thanks for joining CASology, so INPRIRATIONAL!

    1. Oh, thanks and thank for you the tip of other Challenge

  14. I love the beach scene you've created - perfect for our current challenge! So glad you joined us at Stampin' Celebration and hope you'll play along with us again!

  15. Great card, love the rope and the details of the sand and shells!

  16. Super! I love the beach scene with the little shells and that bottle is fab. Sorry I'm so late commenting, thanks for playing along with The Male Room's Vacation/Beach challenge!


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