sunnuntai 7. maaliskuuta 2021

Murusen synttärit

Tänään ei juhlittu suotta, 
Luna-murunen on jo 6-vuotta, eskariin syksyllä, apuva!!


8 kommenttia:

  1. Love your gorgeous so sweet! Thank you so much for playing along with us at Time Out!

  2. I love the babi! Great card. Thank you for playing along at The Unicorn Challenge
    Good luck with your entry.
    Greetings Marga dt

  3. It´s such a gorgeous birthday card for a girl. I loved the Disney bambi since I had been a little child. I really like the design of your card, especially the ribbon and those pearls. Thank you very much for sharing your card with the EAC challenge.
    Hugs Uschi

  4. What a beautiful little girl and her name 'Luna' is so pretty. Bet she adored your card, its so sweet and little Bambi is beloved by all little girls I think. You can see the time and love you've put into this card with all the gorgeous details, especially love the pearls. Its an incredible birthday card and I'm so happy you shared it with us at TIME OUT!

  5. Ihana bambikortti söpöiselle 6-vuotiaalle! Ihania yksityiskohtia kortissasi, tykkään erityisesti tuosta pitsistä.... Mustaraidallinen taustapaperi tuo kivaa kontrastia hempeyteen! Kiitos kun osallistuit Time Out - haasteeseen!

  6. wow, what for a wonderful birthday card and birthday girl. It will sure be a unforgetable birthday.
    really magical.

    Thank you very much for joining us at the bastel-traum Challenge.
    Hugs and good luck
    Ute Berger
    DT bastel-traum challenge


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