torstai 2. tammikuuta 2020

Aurinko maalaa taivaan

Vanha ompelukirja saa syövereihinsä elämää Länsi-Afrikasta, eli Altered Book-työ
viimeisimmästä matkastamme Senegaliin ja Gambiaan työn alla.

Aivan uskomattomia auringonnousuja ja -laskuja saimme ihailla Gambiajoella
- satoja kuvia, joista oli vaikeaa valita parhaat.
Toivottavasti tämän aukeaman myötä muistikuvat upeista hetkistä - oikeista HIGHTlighteista palaavat mieliimme aina.

Taustat gessoamisen jälkeen maalattu hennoin pastellinsävyisin akryylimaalein,
ihanat sabluunat toivat tekstuuria ja sitten hinkkasin InkaGoldeilla metallinhohtoisuutta sivuihin ennen kuvien liimausta.

Tällä aukeamalla päärooli kuuluukin kuville
ja nämä Hightlightit haluan jakaa mukaan

18 kommenttia:

  1. Voi ihanuus millainen aukeama! Niin kaunis ja seesteinen tunnelma! Maailmassa on niin paljon kaunista:) Ihanaa alkanutta vuotta sinne ja mukavia bloggailuhetkiä♥

  2. Oh wow - what amazing photos! Your trip much have been incredible! Thanks for joining us at More Than Words.

  3. What a beautiful expression of soft sunset colors. I really have the feeling of a great vacation memory. Thank you so much for joining us at more than words. Have a lovely day. Xoxo Heike

  4. Wow! Stunning photos! I really love the color palette and textured words you created for this spread. Thanks for joining us at More Than Words!

  5. Oh wow!! Not just the pictures are amaizing, but the journal pages in those beautiful soft colors to backround them are just great! Thank you for join our challenge in MTW!

  6. Wow what a wonderful job you did. The background of the page is superb and these photos are splendid. The beauty of nature, there is nothing better.thank you for joining us at MTW.

  7. Very beautiful set of layouts. The backgrounds you created are amazing and perfect for your photos! What beautiful sunsets you have experienced. Thank you for sharing them with us at MTW.

  8. Very beautiful photos! Nice background! Thanks for joining us at More Than Words.

  9. Perfect photo's for highlight's!! thanks for sharing them with us.

  10. Lovely photos....and background!! Thanks for joining us at MTW challenge for this month!!

  11. Your background in sunset is beautiful. Superb creation
    Thank you so much for playing along with More Than Words

  12. Love your style, thanks for sharing your amazing work with us, Thanks for joining More Than Words Challenge for this month!!

  13. Such beautiful photos and perfect for our challenge. Thanks for playing along with us at More Than Words.

  14. Gorgeous photos and I love those word stencils! Thanks for joining us at More Than Words this month! Elle xx

  15. beautiful pages!!!!
    thank you for playing with us at MTW challenge!


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