maanantai 1. kesäkuuta 2015

Kesä kivaa...

Uimaan, kylpyyn, veteen.... se jos mikä on Kesä kivaa!!
 Tämän yhden ainoan ihanan leimakuvan olen saanut joskus kauan sitten ja en ole raaskinut käyttää. Nyt syttyi idea ja oli kulmistaan jo niin kulunut, että leikkasin muotoonsa. 
Sopinee kortiksi pikkutytölle (miksei isommallekin) ihan vaan ilahduttamaan...

I've had this picture for a long time ago, I don't have the heart to use.
Some wonderful ideas "Summer Fun or Bath time"
and it get a place in the card!
I would like to share this card in the following challenge:
1 Image (going to take a bath)
2 Papers (baby blue and patterned paper)
3 Embellishments (die rings, ducks and sequins)
-I picked 252

6 kommenttia:

  1. This is just totally sweet! Beautiful coloring on your cute image & the little yellow ducks and bubble dies just complete the whole card beautifully! I'm SO glad you could join us this week for the QKR Stampede weekly challenge!

  2. Ihana pieni kylpijä. Hauska kesä kiva kortti.

  3. Sweet card and thanks for joining us at Crafting For All Seasons. Carol S.DT

  4. Super cute! Love the image and the bubbles and the ducks! Thanks for joining us at Sketch Saturday this week, Niki xx

  5. This is just darling! It all came together so sweetly with the bubbles and duckies. I'm so glad you joined our QKR Stampede Bath Time challenge!

  6. Sweet card.Beautiful colours and layout. Thank you for sharing with us at Chocolate, Coffee & Cards.
    Agnieszka DT


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