perjantai 2. lokakuuta 2015

Ei pöllömpää!!

Ystävältä saatu ihana pöllöleimakuva pääsi korttiin silppupapereiden joukkoon
Onko tää nyt sitten tarpeeksi maskuliininen?
Yritys ainakin oli...
ja väritys lemppareilla Aqua Promarkkerein

18 kommenttia:

  1. Lovely card. I like the feathers.
    Thanks for playing with us at Craft your Passion.
    Good luck, xxx Michelle (DT)

  2. Voi miten hieno ... tosi kaunis!
    Kaikilla pikku jutuilla hoystettynä!

  3. Cute owls there and I think the feathers go beautifully! Welcome to the Snippets Playground!


    Di xx

  4. Hi there! What super cute owls and the feathers are just the perfect touch too. Thank you so much for joining my challenge this week :)

    Jeannie T.
    Dragonfly Journeys

  5. I saw your card on Pixie's Workshop blog. Just had to pop in to say how lovely I think it is. Those little owls are so sweet and the feathers look perfect. Barbxx

  6. Wouw beautiful i love it, and thanks so much for playing along with us at CC&CC.
    Hugs Anneke DT

  7. Absolutely gorgeous, love the owls!
    Many thanks for joining in our Masculine Challenge at Cute Card Thursday this week! Debx

  8. Super cute!!! Thank you for joining us at Creative Moments, good luck!!! Amy DT

  9. So adorable, love the image, great layering and colours. Thanks for playing at agoac

  10. Great card! That feather is lovely. Thanks for joining us at Melonheadz Friends.

  11. Sweet card. Love the image and feather. Thanks for joining us at Melonheadz Friends. AJ MH DT

  12. Awesome design, love the layers and variety of elements you used. Thank you for joining us in this months blog challenge at

  13. Thank you for joining us at I love Pro Markers Challenge blog . Your cards cute. All the best Sharon xxxx

  14. Great card, thank you for joing us at I♥Promarkers this week. Shona xx

  15. Love your multi-media card and adorable owls. Thanks for taking the challenge with us at the Mod Squad Challenge

  16. Those owls are adorable! Love it! Ty for participating in the Mod Squad Challenge.


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