torstai 3. syyskuuta 2015

Matka ystävän luo

Dt-korttini QKR-stampede haasteeseen 155,
jossa aiheena Linnut
Ihana digi-birdie matkaamassa ystävän luo
"Matka ystävän luo ei ole koskaan liian pitkä tai vaikea"
Travel to a friend isn't never too long or difficult!

Joko vihdoin näkisin myös suomalaisia osallistujia??

14 kommenttia:

  1. What a great fun card. A card to make you smile! Cute! Thanks for joining us over at PFP this week.
    Love n hugs

  2. Hi Pirjo, what a cute card. I love the fun image you've used. Thanks for sharing with us at PFP this week. Hugs, Denise x

  3. oh thats fun!!! thank you for playing along with us over on the PFP challenge blog
    hugs Lou x

  4. Love the colors and such a cute image !
    Thanks for sharing it with us and hope to see you again in our next challenge as well,
    DT Through The Craft Room Door
    Made by Willeke {My personal Blog}

  5. cute image! So glad you came Through The Craft Room Door to play! Can't wait to see more of your talent!
    Karen C

  6. A brilliant fun card.
    Thanks for joining this weeks challenge at Passion for Promarkers.
    Lorraine x

  7. So cute, and I love that saying with the image! Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at Through The Craft Room Door this week. We are looking forward to seeing you again in the next challenge.
    FP3 {My Blog}

  8. Such a fun card . Thank you for Joining us at at I ♥ Promarkers this week hugs Sharon xxx

  9. Really cool card. Thanks for joining us at I Love ProMarkers, hope to see you back for new challenges. Good luck in this one. Hugs from Lisbeth (DT)

  10. Adorable card Pirjo. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at CCC Digi Creations. We would love to see you again. Anet DT x

  11. Fabulous fun card. Thanks for joining us for our Things with Wings Polkadoodles Challenge

    Karon DT, Polkadoodles

  12. What a fabulous project, Pirjo! Thanks for playing along with Things With Wings challenge .
    x Asha (DT)

  13. Such a fab fun card. Thanks for sharing with us at Polkadoodles with our Thinga with Wings challenge.
    Aunty Sue DT

  14. Your card used such a fun image! Thanks for joining the Things With Wings challenge at Polkadoodles, Jackie DT x


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