perjantai 28. elokuuta 2015

Kyllä maalla on mukavaa

Kyllä vain tämä(kin) Dt-pesti osoittautui niin ihanaksi;
että ihan pakko aikaa löytää ja jatkaa mahtavassa tiimissä!!
Rakastan QKR-leimoja
- niiden huumori ja ilmeikkyys sopivat juuri kortteihin,
joita itse tykkään lähetellä!!

I had to find time to be continue
such a Wonderful QKR-Dt-team!!
I love QKR digis;
their sense of humor are fabulous!!
Coloring: Aqua Promarkers

 Mukaan myös seuraaviin haasteisiin:

11 kommenttia:

  1. Hi - this is a fun card! Love the stamps you've used and also the horse charm. Thanks for playing along at Incy Wincy Designs this week.
    Helen x (DT)

  2. Awesome card! Love the background😀. Thanks for playing along with us at Frosted Designs!!

  3. Love this western scene - so creative. Thanks so much for joining us this week at the Pile it On Challenge, Elizabeth (DT)

  4. Oh, Pirjo, this is a perfect image for our theme this week! Fab coloring. OK, I have to put on another of my DT hats -- Love seeing you play in our "Animals Dressed Up" challenge at Pile It On this fortnight. Hope to see you playing in our new challenge starting tomorrow. Good luck in the draw.
    NanaConnie DT

  5. Gorgeous card Pirjo. I love the fun image and your colouring is fab. Thanks for joining us at PFP this week. Hugs, Denise x

  6. A fabulous card for a boy. That image is really sweet. Thanks for sharing with us at Ooh La La Creations. Michelle x

  7. Gorgeous card! Thanks a lot for joining the Anything Goes challenge at I Love ProMarkers. Hope to see you back for more challenges. Good luck, hugs from Lisbeth (DT)

  8. This is a fabulous card, such a brilliant design.
    Thank you for joining us at Ooh La La Creations.
    I have candy on my blog if you would like to take a look -

  9. What a fantastic and fun design. Love the creativity and details. PERFECT! Thanks for your entry in our challenge at Frosted Designs!

  10. A brilliant fun card, love the image.
    Thanks for joining this weeks challenge at Passion for Promarkers.
    Lorraine x


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