keskiviikko 3. kesäkuuta 2015


Puuseppää aina tarvitaan...

The carpenter is necessary...
MemasCrafts-The last time:(-Anything Goes-Graduation or Masculine
CreativeKnockouts#91-Tic-tac-toe I picked first line; stamp, embossing, die cuts

9 kommenttia:

  1. Very nice card and just right for our Challenge at Sweet Stampin' this week. Debbiex

  2. Ihana, kertakaikkisen ihana. Mainio kuva ja tuo teksti sopii niin hyvin tähän aiheeseen, että.

  3. Muikeella ilmeellä on tämä ammttilainen!

  4. What a fabulous masculine card, love the embossed background, the gears and the cute stamp. Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week, good luck in the prize draw and I hope you'll join us again soon, love Jacky x

  5. I really like all the elements on this card. It all works so well together. Thank you for joining us this week at the Crafter's Cafe! Best, CG

  6. This is so cute! Love the gears! Thanks so much for joining us for the Make it Masculine challenge on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge blog!

  7. Very nice card and cute image. Thanks for participating in the challenge at Mema's Crafts.

  8. Cute Card--I love the gears!

    Thanks for joining us at The Crafters Café Challenge Blog--TCCCB--this week. Good Luck! We hope to see you join us in future challenges too.


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