maanantai 27. huhtikuuta 2015

Synttärit Wappuna

 Happy Birthday to you...
 Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday Dear....
Happy Birthday to you!

Mukaan seuraaviin haasteisiin:
The Papershelter # 200 It's-celebration
Penny Black: Mid Way Birthday

6 kommenttia:

  1. aww, such a cute and happy card!! i love the bright colours, all those balloons and the tiny bow! thank you so much for playing along with us this month at penny black and more.

  2. Cute card and I love the colours you used and that funky shape to cut out your image. Thank you for joining in the Paper Shelter Challenge this time. Hope to see you again.

    Hugs, Vannessa
    The Paper Shelter DT

  3. What a pretty card! A really lovely colourful card that made me smile. Thanks for joining our celebration challenge over at the Paper Shelter. A new fun challenge has now started. :)
    Love n hugs

  4. Kirjoittaja on poistanut tämän kommentin.

  5. Rather belatedly, just popping in to thank you for joining in at Penny Black and More challenge.

    B x


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